Your Certified Homework Fix


Program Includes...

BrainSpeed Ball

  • 1 BrainSpeed Ball with free shipping within the U.S. (International shipping rates and timeframes vary based on location.)


  • Step-by-step video instruction from Trent McEntire to get you started and keep you on track.
  • Games and variations designed to improve focus, lower anxiety, reduce overwhelm, and help you feel more confident.
  • Immediate access to our online learning platform that keeps your videos and content organized and easy to use while tracking your progress.
  • Access to "AskTrent", the easy way to get answers and continue to find success with your BrainSpeed Ball.


  • Access to the Fire Up Your Brain Facebook community where you can connect with others and share creative ways to play.



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Once you register, you will receive a couple of emails from us including a receipt for your payment, a welcome series with direct access to our training platform, and further instructions on how you will receive your BrainSpeed Ball and upcoming training.