ADHD Specific Training Program
ADHD Specific Training Program
ADHD Specific Training Program

ADHD Specific Training Program

Regular price $147.00 Sale price $97.00



ADHD and the EYES

Research has proven that there is a direct correlation between the EYES and ADHD. Specifically, the visual sensory process that happens between the information that the eyes take in and how it is processed within the brain. Since the eyes provide 80 percent of the input that the brain uses to make decisions on how the body responds, it only makes sense that the eyes play an important role in the ability to focus, concentrate, and self-regulate. Research has also confirmed that Eye Tracking exercises improve reading performance in children with ADHD. It can also help reduce convergence issues (where the eyes lose alignment) and strengthen the eye muscles so that they are working properly.

How does the BrainSpeed® Ball help?

The BrainSpeed® Ball provides an immediate way to help with ADHD. It uses the science and technique of Eye Tracking and incorporates it into a fun and engaging game that uses a BALL (and not a computer screen). When the brain sees something as fun, it is much more open to receiving information and learning new things. Play for just 5 minutes a day to see results! Play before homework, before school, after a stressful day/moment, and anytime you need better focus and lower stress levels.

  • Improve concentration to help with reading and staying on task with homework assignments.
  • Immediate results to diminish hyperactive behavior so that the body can sit still and focus.
  • Reduce frustration and stress at homework time to support a positive family dynamic.
  • Stay on task and follow through on assignments, chores, and actions.
  • Invites a fun element to help with changing the mood and more impact on receiving information.
  • Build self-esteem and confidence at school and in social situations.

Does every night feel like a homework fight?

Are you struggling to get your child to sit down to do their homework or read?

If you are like most parents, you want your child to succeed in school, but the symptoms of ADHD can often create a frustrating and stressful situation riddled with guilt. This can result in relationship problems, increased conflict in the family, and even higher rates of depression for the child. There are more than 63 million children worldwide who struggle with ADHD and it is often misunderstood how to help them.